Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Who peed blue!?!

Ok so last night i was over at the pineview boys apt (Sid and his roommates) chance, mike, and i were just sitting around the table talking. They had just finished playing intermural basketball and blake says, "man i smell like dog..i am going to go shower." So he walks down the hall into the bathroom and we hear him yell "DUDE!!! Who peed blue?!" So chance says "no way!" and takes off running down the hall. Mike and i are just laughing our heads off. Then they come out and they are like "we are serious someone peed blue! How do you even do that?" Unfortunately we had to rain on their parade and tell them that it probably just got cleaned... They were very disappointed. But it was pretty funny while it lasted. Leave it to college boys to not know what a clean toilet looks like.

1 comment:

  1. ok so I wonder what did it look like before it was pretty blue!!!
