Wednesday, March 21, 2012

1 year down..eternity to go! -part 2-

In addition to the beautiful flowers and the evening at The Roof Eric booked a night stay at the Anniversary Inn. Since our anniversary was on Monday and we both had school/work the next day he booked the stay for the Saturday. Of course you can't just go straight to the hotel so since we were downtown we had to eat at our favorite restaurant- Settebello Pizzeria Napoletana. They have some of the best pizza I've ever had (and that's saying something coming from a picky Italian). All their pizza's are served hot right out of their brick ovens!!
Caprese-I love this stuff. For those of you who were at my wedding, we served the tomato, mozerella, and basil on a skewer thing, this was my inspiration.
Mmmmmm Delish
Oh yeah, did I mention they also have a gelato shop attached to their restaurant...
Their nutella gelato is my favorite!
Had to add this for my Italian family- You know it's legit when they service Baci's!!
At the Anniversary Inn we stayed in the Venice room. I gotta say Eric did gooood. It was an amazing room! (this was our first stay here and we WILL be going back!)
This was our bath tub-huge-and the shower was a waterfall. I am pretty sure I need one in my house one day...
The bed was, of course, a gondola

Oh ya know, just rowing the gondola....we are perfect for each other....
They keep a book in the room where everyone who stays in the room can write about their experience so of course we had to read it. I felt like I was reading someones journal and of course, me being the nosy body I am, loved every bit of it! Most the entries were the same old thing..."we've been married for 100 years and we are so in love and we love this room" but there was one that I thought was hilarious so I thought I would share! (sorry it's sideways...dunno how to turn it on blogger and way to lazy to figure it out)
Eric gets an A++ this year for the anniversary. I couldn't have asked for a more fun/relaxing time with a more handsome man!

1 year down..eternity to go! -part 1-

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO US!!! Last Monday was our 1 year anniversary. I can't believe it has already been a year. It's the strangest feeling, I feel like I have known Eric WAY longer than 2 years but it feel like we just got married yesterday. Crazy how time flies! Well on to the festivities. Eric and I have decided to split this anniversary thing by switching off each year (I don't think it's fair that he should have to plan every anniversary...). This year was his year. Of course we had work and school so that was a downer but I got home and figured I would straighten up the house a bit while I waited for Eric to get home from work (I had no idea what he had planned...if he had a plan...). Well 15 min after I get home Eric shows up with these lovely ladies....
and this....
That's right folks! He took me to eat at The Roof Restaurant on the top of the Joseph Smith building. The food was great not to mention the view was BEAUTIFUL! It was fun to get all dressed up and go out for a night. I love dressing's a shame there aren't very many reasons to do so...
Oh yeah, so we got to our table and the hostess brought me this....
-Breathtaking view-
Needless to say we had a great night! It was an amazing anniversary for an amazing year married.
(cheesy? I think so too...)
-Love Him-