Sunday, January 31, 2010

Castle Manor Open House!

On Saturday the new reception hall "Castle Manor" had an open house. We were able to take a tour of the whole castle. There were different booths on the main floor advertising things like cakes, catering, invitations, decor, ect. It was a lot of fun and I took tonz of pictures so here is a little bit of castle picture overload...ENJOY!

This is what the lights look like under the balcony aren't those sweet!?!


A few vendors...a few cakes

1st Floor

The Entrance

This was a mirror above the drinking fountains right outside the entrance that I thought was pretty sweet and couldn't help but take a picture of...
Right Party Room
After you walk through the entry way you can either go left or right if you were to go right there is this party area. It was a pretty good sized room and secluded from the left side of the building enough that there could be 2 events going and you would hardly know.

The Chapel
The chapel was the bulk of the main floor.It's a huge area with this awesome staircase.

2nd Floor

The second floor was probably my favorite. You could look over the balcony to the bottom floor (the chapel) It was gorgeous.
I loved this chandelier with the vaulted ceiling. I know the picture doesn't do it justice but just imagine it....

One of the things that I liked about this place was there were a lot of little secluded places. Little nooks and crannys that could be used for numerous things. This one had a little table with a checker board built into it.

2nd Floor-Bride/Grooms Rooms

The Brides Room(s)
There were 2 brides rooms both were gorgeous!! There were large windows surrounding you overlooking the grounds. This first picture will have a water fall going right outside that window in the spring and summer. There was also a bathroom connected to the brides rooms.

This is the Harry Potter mirror. I know it doesn't look it but it was HUGE! I looked like a midget standing in it!

The Grooms Room
There was only one grooms room but it was very pretty. More just a place for him to chill while his bride makes herself beautiful.
This is the table in the picture above, up close. Isn't that awesome!?!
I loved this mirror and the candelabras!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

3rd Floor

The third floor was a lot smaller than the other 2 since the roof is a part of it. But it was gorgeous nonetheless.

The Roof

Each of the towers has a little room inside with windows looking out onto the grounds.

Friday, January 29, 2010


Have you ever watched a hockey game? If your answer to this question is no then I would highly recommend you go watch one. They are wicked fun!! I went last weekend with my roommate Katie, it was a blast! It was my first game and at first I thought it might be lame but I loved it! Out comes these strapping young men in their hockey gear who can skate like Kristi Yamaguchi! I was amazed. I don't really understand hockey so much but I don't know that there are rules...they pretty much do whatever they want. They slam each other against the walls and randomly just push each other down and break out in fights during the game. haha it was fabulous!! I am violent i guess but it made me want to play some hockey...Or maybe just watch Mighty Ducks...

I would totally date one of these boys...


I know it's been a long time since I last updated...woopsy...I am just not that interesting these days. This is a picture of our beautiful campus here at USU. To bad it is now 40 below and covered in snow!! Classes are going really good so far. I can't really complain about them but there is one thing I am going to complain about for just a min...the walk to campus. Okay, well I have spent the last what..4 years probably of my life sitting. I haven't been very active so I am very out of shape. My first week of school about killed me! So I am on the third floor of my apartment building which means every time I go anywhere I have to walk up/down 3 flights of stairs. Not so bad really until you add the next 4 blocks to campus! I know I sound like a wimp right now but if you have ever walked up 8th east in Logan you would understand. I walk 2 blocks UP HILL to get to 8th east and then it's another block UP HILL then it levels off right before you hit campus. The second hill on 8th is what I like to refer to as The Hill of Death! That thing'll just about kill anything that tries to scale it. It's way steep and covered in ice so you are sliding all over the place and panting, you have blisters on your heels, shin splints, muscles in your thighs and butt are beginning to hurt that you didn't even realize you had, and you can't feel your feet. Then I have to walk up 3 flights of stairs to get to my classroom M,W,F. I climb that hill 2 times M,W,F and once T,TH. It's the best! I couldn't wish for anything more wonderful. I am gonna be in some serious shape! At the top of the hill a block from campus sits St. Jerome's Catholic Church. Everyday when I make it up that hill I say a little thank you prayer to my dear Saint Jerome it goes something like this..."thank you St. Jerome for helping me one more time up satans hill." It's getting a little easier though everyday. I should stop complaining I am wimp.