Saturday, December 3, 2011

Thanksgiving with the Riddle's

This year we spent Thanksgiving with the Riddle's! We had it at the Combs' home and Shanna worked so hard and did a wonderful job at making everything look so cute, not to mention the food was DELICIOUS!! We had so much fun eating, talking, and playing games...Oh and let's not forget the Riddle's annual turkey bowl game! Unfortunately I am horrible at taking pictures so I didn't get many other than of the turkey bowl game...I think I am still used to having my mom around who will get plenty of pictures to go around :) ....I'll work on it....

Dale pretty much played QB the whole time...for both teams since there was an uneven number....

Love this picture! Look close at Justin and Aaron in back...I am pretty sure he is grabbing the flag...I could be wrong??? :)

I wasn't planning on playing at all since I was still trying to get over bronchitis but due to an injury I decided to sub in.
About half way through the game Aaron took a dive for Eric's flag, landed on his shoulder funny and ended up going into the emergency room. He was the 6th TBI (turkey bowl injury) that day! At least he knew he wasn't alone right? He had a level 2 AC separation (the joint between your acromion and clavicle) Lucky for him he didn't have to have surgery but unfortunately there isn't a whole lot you can do for those so they sent him home with a sling, a bag of ice, and some good drugs. And to top it all off, he didn't even get Eric's flag :( But needless to say Aaron was a whole lot of fun drugged up the for the rest of the day :)
Aaron's xray

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Happy Halloween

We headed to Roosevelt the weekend before Halloween and the family decided to throw together a little Halloween party. I can't remember the last time (if ever) I saw my parents dress up. It was a goooood time! :)

Mr. & Mrs. Dracula (The mama and papa)

Vampire Shan and her pumpkin patch baby Ethan

Mr. Disguise and his wife Mario (Dougie and Ivie)
(Doug made sure he had the best costume-hick farmer on the outside and Captain America when he drops his drawers...not joking. He wouldn't let anyone get a picture of his super hero side, to bad it was hilarious...)

Vampire Ariana (it was a popular theme for the night)

Zombie Lovers (Eric and I)
Farrari the Hippie (she looks like she is all doped up...suspicious?)
Morph Man
(Ammon-Daisy HATED this costume most she screamed as soon as he entered the room)
Eliot the "Good Black Witch"
(she made sure everyone knew she was a black witch, but the good kind not the bad kind)
Eric & I made witches finger cookies! They actually turned out pretty darn good!
Spider Deviled Eggs
After we ate we played a little just dance 3

Thursday, August 18, 2011

A weekend with miss Addy

Well a couple of weeks ago we invited my 6 year old niece Addy to come spend a weekend with us in the "big city". We had soooo much fun together! She got here late friday night and left sunday afternoon. We did everything from school shopping to fun parks! She is such a sweet heart and we were so lucky to have her come. Although she was having the time of her life she didn't forget about the those 3 younger siblings she left at home. She kept saying that she hoped they were having fun even though she was gone and couldn't play with them. She even called and insisted on talking to everyone last one of them (even Daisy who is barely a yr old).
To start our weekend we went to Hollywood Connections in West Valley they had everything! We did mini golf, small roller coasters, bumper cars, arcade games, carousel, and got some ice cream on the way out!

What a good daddy that man will be one day (not any day soon though :))

Addy LOOOOOVVEEDD mini golf more than anything she wanted us to take picture after picture!

This is by far my favorite pic! What a character!

School shopping-Addy had the genius idea to put on "crazy sunglasses" and take a picture.

I had promised the Adster that we would take her to a water park but there just wasn't enough hours in the weekend and by the time we finished school shopping it was dark so instead I took her to get her first pedicure! Boy did she love that!

Last but not least sunday before Addy left I pulled out a special pillowcase I had made for her where we wrote down all the fun things we did during the weekend and drew little pictures to go with them. She had a lot of fun documenting our adventures and was so excited to take it home and show her siblings we also printed all the pictures from the weekend and put them in an album for to keep forever! She loved it and we loved having her around!

Up House

For those of you haven't heard there is a house in Herriman, UT that is a replica of the house from the Disney movie Up! From the bright colors to the babies nursery it's ALL there! Eric and i decided since it's just a jump hop and skip away from our house that we would stop by during the parade of homes and see what all the commotion was about.
They don't show the kitchen in the movie so they just did whatever they wanted here...i LOVED the kitchen blue appliances and all!!!

Sunday, July 31, 2011


Well for those of you who didn't see me post family camp out this is the aftermath of a day on the reservoir with out sunscreen. I WAS TOAST. I have never ever ever been so burned in my life or had heat stroke so bad. I don't have any great pictures of the burn just a couple I took on my phone to send Eric, they don't do the burn justice but they'll do. I seriously wore the same shirt for 3 days because it is the only thing I could wear that didn't touch the burn. My face scabbed right away and it was very swollen along my left temple and right jaw so I looked like a battered house wife. The bright red was a great contrast to my neon white skin so much so that I walked into Cafe Rio the Monday after and upon passing a 5-6 year old girl she tugs on her dad's shirt and says "dad did you see that girl???" It was somewhat hilarious but sad, i looked like a was absolute misery for week.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Camping Fun!

This year for our annual (not really annual-more like every 3 years...) family outing we decided to go on a camping trip. Vana did most of the planning, bless her soul, and we were all set to meet at the current creek camp ground friday night. Eric and I got off work by 4 were on the road by 5. About 15 miles out of Heber our car overheated....we pulled over and found there was a huge hole in one of the hoses. We had no cell phone service and there was nothing within walking distance....lucky for us with in 10 min of pulling over a truck packed full of guys pulled over (oddly enough there were headed back to the city after working in Altamont). They had some duck tape they let us use to patch the hole enough to get us to Daniel's Summit. We got to the summit and bought some coolant and began debating what to do and how we would fix the car. We tried calling our mechanic (dad) but since everyone was already up in the mountains nobody answered their phones. Once again luck struck us as we were staring at our broken car, a couple from Indiana came by who knew a little about cars and had some tools. They were nice enough to cut the hose at where the hole was and pull it up to where it needed to be to fix our problem enough to get us through the weekend. Needless to say our 2 hour trip turned into a 4.5 hour trip and we came rolling into camp at about 9:30. Whew! At least we made it! Right when you start thinking there are no good people left in this world and that you can't trust anyone God sends you a trial and some angels to help you along the way. We were really lucky to have met all these helpful people and that our problem didn't turn into something even worse!

Miss Daisy May the Diva

All the grand kids with their messy hair and dirty faces, just how we like them!

Headed to the reservoir to fish and raft. woot woot

Callie Ann turned out to be quite the fisher woman. Doug looked pretty great getting his turn with the pink pole as well....

Rafting time-Dad brought a raft that apparently he has been hiding from us for a few years! He bought this raft and a bunch of life jackets at a yard sale and never told anyone. Messed up! Oh well, we had lots of fun taking it out on the reservoir.

Ian holding up his shorts so they don't get wet in that deep water...

The Farmers

Ivie was a doll and did glitter toes for us! My first but hopefully not last glitter toe experience!

Scopa! We played scopa the last night there. My absolute favorite card game of all time! Yay for Italian cards!