Sunday, July 24, 2011

Camping Fun!

This year for our annual (not really annual-more like every 3 years...) family outing we decided to go on a camping trip. Vana did most of the planning, bless her soul, and we were all set to meet at the current creek camp ground friday night. Eric and I got off work by 4 were on the road by 5. About 15 miles out of Heber our car overheated....we pulled over and found there was a huge hole in one of the hoses. We had no cell phone service and there was nothing within walking distance....lucky for us with in 10 min of pulling over a truck packed full of guys pulled over (oddly enough there were headed back to the city after working in Altamont). They had some duck tape they let us use to patch the hole enough to get us to Daniel's Summit. We got to the summit and bought some coolant and began debating what to do and how we would fix the car. We tried calling our mechanic (dad) but since everyone was already up in the mountains nobody answered their phones. Once again luck struck us as we were staring at our broken car, a couple from Indiana came by who knew a little about cars and had some tools. They were nice enough to cut the hose at where the hole was and pull it up to where it needed to be to fix our problem enough to get us through the weekend. Needless to say our 2 hour trip turned into a 4.5 hour trip and we came rolling into camp at about 9:30. Whew! At least we made it! Right when you start thinking there are no good people left in this world and that you can't trust anyone God sends you a trial and some angels to help you along the way. We were really lucky to have met all these helpful people and that our problem didn't turn into something even worse!

Miss Daisy May the Diva

All the grand kids with their messy hair and dirty faces, just how we like them!

Headed to the reservoir to fish and raft. woot woot

Callie Ann turned out to be quite the fisher woman. Doug looked pretty great getting his turn with the pink pole as well....

Rafting time-Dad brought a raft that apparently he has been hiding from us for a few years! He bought this raft and a bunch of life jackets at a yard sale and never told anyone. Messed up! Oh well, we had lots of fun taking it out on the reservoir.

Ian holding up his shorts so they don't get wet in that deep water...

The Farmers

Ivie was a doll and did glitter toes for us! My first but hopefully not last glitter toe experience!

Scopa! We played scopa the last night there. My absolute favorite card game of all time! Yay for Italian cards!

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