Sunday, July 31, 2011


Well for those of you who didn't see me post family camp out this is the aftermath of a day on the reservoir with out sunscreen. I WAS TOAST. I have never ever ever been so burned in my life or had heat stroke so bad. I don't have any great pictures of the burn just a couple I took on my phone to send Eric, they don't do the burn justice but they'll do. I seriously wore the same shirt for 3 days because it is the only thing I could wear that didn't touch the burn. My face scabbed right away and it was very swollen along my left temple and right jaw so I looked like a battered house wife. The bright red was a great contrast to my neon white skin so much so that I walked into Cafe Rio the Monday after and upon passing a 5-6 year old girl she tugs on her dad's shirt and says "dad did you see that girl???" It was somewhat hilarious but sad, i looked like a was absolute misery for week.


  1. Solae'! I can relate completely with this post. For the last couple months, I was burned terribly on the weekend, was miserable throughout the week and was fine at the end of the week. But then, another burn from the weekend activities! This continued for a few weekend, and I vowed never to go out in the sunlight again. Did your sunburn itch like the devil?? If so, I am so so so sorry!!

  2. Ouch So!!!! Oh my gosh :( I'm sorry!!!
