Sunday, December 12, 2010


Can I just tell you how much I looovveee Christmas? I love everything about it. I love the music, I love the snow (as long as I am not driving), I love the FOOD, but most of all I love the spirit of Christmas. It seems like when the Christmas season comes everyone is a little happier, kinder, and more giving. It definitely is the most wonderful time of the year.
Well this year for Christmas I decided we needed to decorate our apt. Vana gave Farrari and I her tree but we had no decorations so I went to the cheapest stores I could find (yes, thrift stores and dollar stores). Our tree is a little homely looking.... but we love it. We stayed up one night after Eric and I got off work and decorated it. It was so much fun!

Mom sent us each an ornament to put on the tree and a tree skirt to complete our little tree. They were super cute!! Thanks mom! We love you!!!
Fofo thinks she is soooo funny. I know I know, our children will not be lacking in the booty department.....
We are so proud of our little treeee!

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