Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Well I offically made it to Logan! Here is the low down. My roommates are very nice. There are 3 of them: michelle, katie, and fran.This is what i know about them...Michelle is a little odd. She is 24 i think and has been living in this apartment for about 2 years so she took it upon herself to decorate...he he wait till you see that. She is a really sweet girl just a little different. She LOVES to crochet. She has crocheted animals all over her bed and dolls with crocheted dresses and blankets and vests and dresses that she wears. It's pretty wild i won't lie. I may just have to pick it up. ha ha. Katie is way cool she is a senior so she isnt around much but she is always asking if i need help. Fran i have only seen 2 times and we said hello that is it. She isn't around much i guess. My apt is on the top floor so i have to go up 3 flights of stairs to get here...lame! Unloading my car was not to fun to say the least. I am going to be inshape that is for sure!The first night Mr. Sidney Thayne came over for a few minutes to say hello. It was good to see a familiar face i won't lie i was kinda lonely.

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