Thursday, November 5, 2009


Well here is the update on my schooling situation. So i went down to campus today and talked to someone in admissions. I found out that i have to reapply for main campus which BITES! It's past the due date so i have a late fee i have to pay on top of the normal fee. So it will take probably 4 weeks for me to get accepted then after that i have to do orientation (which i can do online..yippee!) after i do that i have to talk to an undeclared adviser then i can register after that. So we are like mid december before i will be registered...that stinks pretty bad. Oh well they sounded pretty confident that it will all work out so i'm hoping.
P.S. Sorry my blog is boring and has no pictures. Cameras are way to expensive!

1 comment:

  1. I like your thanksgiving background. Tempted to steal it. Watch for cameras on line. I've bought electronics from and both are good and have good deals.
