Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Shaun of the dead

So guess who called me last night..that is right shaun of the dead. I don't understand..sometimes he ignores me and then BAM i am alive again. I don't really know why he called me but luckily Sid had invited me to go bowling with him and his roommates and some friends so i didn't have to talk to long. I don't know what he is thinking. He didn't even know i was up here and when i told him he just said "oh" then he asked what i was up to and i told him i was going bowling. HA sucker. He thinks my world revolves around him i think. What a joke. It was kind of odd though. I didn't really know what to think about it. I guess we will see how long it takes for him to use me as his booty call. I actually wouldn't mind just being friends but i have a feeling if we hang out he will try somethng... We will see i guess. Bowling was a lot of fun though. Most of Sids roommates are from Manila which i thought was funny. I guess they get along pretty great. They were actually way cool though. I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. One of them i had actually gone rafting with a few years ago. I didn't realize it until i saw him up close his name is blake. It's a small small world. And they know my Ivie cuz she was from there too. CRAZY! The other one that i talked to quite a bit is named mike. He is also from manila. After bowling we went back to Sid's apt and hung out for a while. Once it started to get late Sid and mike walked me home cuz they think i am retarded and wouldn't be able to find their apt unless they walked me home. ha ha they might be right...We had fun though. It was good to get out of my apt and meet some people.